Wonderful Information; United States Citizenship and Immigration Services AT: WWW.KNOWLEDGEFINANCIAL.BLOGSPOT.COM
Great News, Excellent Information At: Knowledge Financial Group – Buyheremarket Enterprise And Certainly @
Most immigration regular services in USA have been halted due to the
pandemic. The US-CIS temporarily suspended pretty much all in person
services. That closure affects thousands of individuals awaiting for
such: work permits, extensions status, green card, naturalization,
biometrics services etc.
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
Good news, The USCIS has announced, however. That it will reuse
previously submitted biometrics in order to process I-755 application
for employment authorization extension. WWW.TWITTER.COM/VISIONAIREBIZ
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services - Here are some very useful immigration tips to help those in need.
1. Create a USCIS account online, which can be opened on HTTPS://MYACCOUNT.USCIS.DHS.GOV
This tool allows non citizen people to file forms, submit the evidence
or proofs supporting application, response to requests, verify the
status of the application, pay the required fees with card, updating
Excellent News: Many Application Can Be Submitted online.
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
The following immigration forms can be submitted online;
I-130, petition for alien relatives
I-539 application to extend/change non immigration status
N-336 request for a hearing on decision in naturalization proceedings.. WWW.TWITTER.COM/MONEYWISERS
N-400 application for naturalization
I-90 application to replace to replace permanent resident card
Form, N-565 application to replace naturalization/citizenship document
Form N-600 application for certificate of citizenship
Form N-600k application for citizenship and issuance of certificate under section 322 = WWW.FRUITALINVESTMENT.BLOGSPOT.COM
If your VISA expires and cannot travel back to your country, you can
request a status extension by filling form I-539 online if they have
this type of non-immigration visas…
If your VISA expires and cannot travel back to your country, you can
request a status extension by filling form I-539 online if they have this type
of non-immigration visas…
B-2 temporary visitor for pleasure
B-1 temporary visitor for business
F-1 academic student with specific status expiration date
F-2 spouse or child of an academic student with specific expiration date
M-1 vocational students
M-2 spouse of child of an M-1 student. Fast easy way for foreign visitors
to extend their way in the US -
Wonderful Information; United States
Citizenship and Immigration Services
To update address in USCIS, by filing form: AR-11
Most immigration regular services in USA have been halted due to the pandemic. The US-CIS temporarily suspended pretty much all in person services. That closure affects thousands of individuals awaiting for such: work permits, extensions status, green card, naturalization, biometrics services etc.
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
Good news, The USCIS has announced, however. That it will reuse previously submitted biometrics in order to process I-755 application for employment authorization extension. WWW.TWITTER.COM/VISIONAIREBIZ
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services - Here are some very useful immigration tips to help those in need.
1. Create a USCIS account online, which can be opened on HTTPS://MYACCOUNT.USCIS.DHS.GOV
This tool allows non citizen people to file forms, submit the evidence or proofs supporting application, response to requests, verify the status of the application, pay the required fees with card, updating your address . WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/MONEYWISERS
Excellent News: Many Application Can Be Submitted online.
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
The following immigration forms can be submitted online;
I-130, petition for alien relatives
I-539 application to extend/change non immigration status
N-336 request for a hearing on decision in naturalization proceedings.. WWW.TWITTER.COM/MONEYWISERS
N-400 application for naturalization
I-90 application to replace to replace permanent resident card
Form, N-565 application to replace naturalization/citizenship document
Form N-600 application for certificate of citizenship
Form N-600k application for citizenship and issuance of certificate under section 322 = WWW.FRUITALINVESTMENT.BLOGSPOT.COM
If your VISA expires and cannot travel back to your country, you can request a status extension by filling form I-539 online if they have this type of non-immigration visas…
America’s Child-Marriage Problem -
Child Marriage - Forced Marriage - Early Marriage in the United States -
''Health Med Learning''
In the United States today, thousands of children under 18 have recently
taken marital vows — mostly girls married to adult men, often with
approval from local judges.
is this possible? The minimum marriage age in most states is 18, but
every state allows exceptions under which children under age 18 can wed.
first common exception is for children marrying with “parental
consent.” Most states allow children age 16 or 17 to marry if their
parents sign the marriage license application.
course, one person’s “parental consent” can be another’s “parental
coercion,” but state laws typically do not call for anyone to
investigate whether a child is marrying willingly.
Even in the case of a
girl’s sobbing openly while her parents sign the application and force
her into marriage, the clerk usually has no authority to intervene. In
fact, in most states there are no laws that specifically forbid forced
The second common marriage-age exception is for children marrying with
judicial approval. This exception lowers the marriage age below 16 in
many states, and many states do not specify a minimum age. Judges in
those states can allow the marriage even of an elementary school

the data show that 3,481 children were married in New Jersey between
1995 and 2012. Most were age 16 or 17 and married with parental consent,
but 163 were between ages 13 and 15, meaning a judge approved their
91 percent of the children were married to adults, often at ages or
with age differences that could have triggered statutory-rape charges,
not a marriage license.

Forced and child marriages happen almost everywhere, yet only 10 states or jurisdictions have specific laws that can be used to prevent or punish forced marriage.
Child marriage, defined as a formal marriage
or informal union before age 18, is a reality for both boys and girls,
although girls are disproportionately the most affected. Child marriage is widespread and can lead to a lifetime of disadvantage and deprivation.
than 1 in 3 – or some 250 million – were married before 15. Girls who
marry before they turn 18 are less likely to remain in school and more
likely to experience domestic violence.
Young teenage girls are more
likely to die due to complications in pregnancy and childbirth than
women in their 20s; their infants are more likely to be stillborn or die
in the first month of life.
shows that girls who marry early often abandon formal education and
become pregnant. Maternal deaths related to pregnancy and childbirth are
an important component of mortality for girls aged 15–19 worldwide,
accounting for 70,000 deaths each year (UNICEF
are very few laws and policies in the United States that are
specifically designed to help forced marriage victims, leaving
individuals facing forced marriages with few resources and options.
a number of states, as well as the District of Columbia and the US
Virgin Islands, have statutes that criminalize forcing someone into
marriage in certain circumstances, these laws seem designed for other
purposes than to prevent parents from, or to punish parents for, forcing
their children into marriage.
newer state criminal statutes or amendments address forced marriage in
the context of human trafficking1. The majority of state criminal
statutes arise in the context of laws against abduction, prostitution,
and/or “defilement,” and some were enacted close to a century ago.
Note on Terminology: A forced marriage is one that takes place without
the full and free consent of one or both parties, and typically involves
an element of force, fraud, or coercion.
It can happen to either
gender, at any age. It may be a marriage that is threatened, or one that
has already taken place, either in the United States or abroad.
United States Of America =
Child Marriage - Forced Marriage - Early Marriage in the United States
Parents give many reasons
for forcing their children into marriage, including controlling the
children’s sexuality and behavior and protecting “family honor.” Often families use forced marriage to enhance their status or gain economic security.
forced marriage, early marriage, arranged marriage, domestic violence,
gender, human rights, children, girls, child protection, international,
family law, juvenile law, criminal law, immigration, immigrant
integration, harmful cultural practice, harmful cultural tradition,
community led development
America's child marriage crisis
- Child Marriage Still Happens in America. Every year in the United States, thousands of teens are pushed into marriage — and often face horrific abuse as a result.
- Child marriage is a truly global problem that cuts across countries, cultures, religions and ethnicities. Child brides can be found in every region in the world, from
- -------
- Girls as young as 13 years old, and pregnant, were wed with a judge’s approval in recent years, according to records from the Virginia department of health. Almost 4,500 minors were married between 2004 and 2013.
- About 90% of those minors were girls who married adult men.
The state senator Jill Vogel pushed through a bill that went into effect this month to ban marriages by those younger than 18, after she learned of a man in his 50s who was dating a high school student.
Although the man had previously married and divorced another teenager, child protective services was powerless to intervene as the girl was not being harmed by a parent or legal guardian, realized that marriage laws in Virginia failed to protect children from forced or coerced marriages, rendering minors vulnerable to sexual abuse.- ----------------
Child Marriage in America: Current Laws Are Failing to Protect Vulnerable Children and Teens..
- IN VIRGINIA FROM 2004-2013:— Nearly 4,500 children were married.— Over 200 children married at age 15 or younger.— About 90% of the underage spouses are girls; and among the youngest spouses (15 or younger), there are 13 times more underage brides than grooms.— Children as young as 13 (and pregnant) were granted marriage licenses.
- — Nearly 90% of these marriages were to an adult spouse, and between 30-40% of those adults were 21 or older, and sometimes decades older.These figures shocked us, too:— 13: Number of children under age 15 married to spouses more than 20 years older— 25: Number of 15-year-olds married to spouses more than 10 years older— 47: Number of 16-year-olds married to spouses more than 14 years older
- ------------------
- A pregnant 13-year-old should have triggered alarm bells and an investigation by social services, not a marriage license. She would have been a statutory rape victim — below the age at which capacity to consent to sexual relations is even legally recognized.
The issue isn’t isolated to Virginia, Maryland, or Texas. Most states set 18 as the minimum age of legal consent to marry, but this requirement can often be easily set aside through exceptions based on parental or judicial consent, and/or pregnancy.- -------------------
In The United States Of America
What you think happening in other third world countries are actually happening in the USA.
More than 177,000 young people age 17 and under married in 38 states between 2000 - 2010 according to marriage license database
a country where you cannot have a job, can't drive a car yet, can't
get a driver license, you can't sign for a lease, can't rent a home..
Why allowing someone like this to marry so young?
The United States has denounced child marriage in other countries as a human rights abuse that contributes to economic hardship.
New Jersey lawmakers passed a bill that would make their state the
first in the U.S. to ban marriages of people under 18 years of age.
- What are the effects of child marriage?
Child brides are more likely than unmarried girls to die younger, suffer from health problems, live in poverty and remain illiterate
- Premature Pregnancy: Child brides almost always bear children before they are physically - or emotionally - ready.
----------- - Maternal Mortality:
Girls younger than 15 are five times more likely to die during child
birth or pregnancy than older women. Pregnancy-related deaths are the
leading cause of mortality for girls aged 15 to 19 worldwide.
------------ - Infant Mortality:
Mortality rates for babies born to mothers under age 20 are almost 75%
higher than for children born to older mothers. The children that
survive are more likely to be premature, have a low birth weight, and
are more at risk for contracting HIV/AIDS.
----------- - Health Problems:
Premature childbirth can lead to a variety of health problems for
mothers, including fistula, a debilitating condition that causes chronic
incontinence. Girls with fistula are often abandoned by their husbands
and ostracized by society. There are approximately 2 million girls
living with fistula, and 100,000 new cases every year.
---------- - HIV/AIDS:
Married girls may be more likely to contract sexually transmitted
disease, including HIV/AIDS, than unmarried girls. Young girls are more
physically susceptible to STD's, have less access to reproductive
education and health services and are often powerless to demand the use
of contraception.
------------ - Illiteracy: Child brides are often pulled out of school and denied further education. Their children are also more likely to be illiterate.
- Poverty: Child brides - already poor - are isolated and denied education and employment opportunities, making it difficult for them break out of the cycle of poverty.
- Abuse and Violence: Child brides are more likely to experience domestic abuse, and violence than their peers who marry later.
- Mental Health: Violence and abuse can lead to post-traumatic stress and depression.
- Isolation and Abandonment: Child brides are often isolated from their peers and abandoned if they develop health problems like fistula.
- --------------------
What can be done to prevent child marriage?
- Girls with a secondary education are up to six times less likely to marry young compared to girls with little or no education.
- Education delays the age at which a woman marries.
Education provides an alternative opportunity for girls other than marriage.
Education increases socio-economic status and earning potential for girls.