Monday, August 26, 2019

Investment knowledge and personal finance TOOLS AND RESOURCES

Invest With Knowledge And Enjoy The Fruits Of Your Investment With Pride. With the help of BUYHEREMARKET ENTERPRISE - FACEBOOK.COM/BUYHEREMARKET
Investment Knowledge:
Becoming a successful investor takes time, patience, trial and error. The end goal of most investors is to make money and perhaps a lots of it. However, the question that remains is how to do it?
Secrets To Successful Investing...
Choose A Goal For Your Investment Portfolio
BUYHEREMARKET, The Page of Investment Knowledge.
You get investment knowledge from the best and brightest minds on BUYHEREMARKET
WARNINGS: Our web pages and social media pages are being provided for informational or educational purposes only and does not take into account the investment objectives or financial situation of any client or prospective clients.FACEBOOK.COM/MONEYWISERS
The information is not intended as investment advice and is not a recommendation about managing or investing your savings.
People seeking information regarding their particular investment needs should contact a financial professionals,Tax advisors, investment profetionals.FACEBOOK.COM/BUYHEREMARKET
When investing, it's great to analyzing company's portfolios’ investment objectives, policies, management, risks, charges and expenses carefully before investing. FACEBOOK.COM/ZONEBUSINESS
You don’t have to have insider knowledge to begin investing. The best time to start is now, and the sooner you begin, the sooner you can start making money.
Diversify - Diversify - Diversify..
Investing can be a volatile industry, so you should never have all your money in a single stock.
You should diversify so if something does go wrong at one of the companies, it won’t completely destroy your portfolio.
Before you start investing, you need to understand what to expect from your money. Understand what you want to use as a safety net or for retirement.
Regardless of the reason why you want to start investing, make sure you have a clear objective for your portfolio.
''Knowledge Financial Group is an absolute source of financial information, we bring financial wellness to more people.''
We bring financial education to the youth, and financial literacy to the less fortunate .
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When you invest, you deposit a portion of your income into a specific venture with the expectation that you'll earn a profit. Every type of investment carries a different level of risk.
Investment options are available to everyone, whether you want to invest $100 or tens of thousands of dollars, or even millions.
Reduce Fees As Much As You Possibly Can..
When you start investing, you might quickly realize that you have to give up some money in fees, brokerage commissions, and mutual fund expense ratios.
However, each dollar that goes to these charges is a dollar that you aren’t investing and compounding.
Even though it might be just a small amount each year, it adds up quickly. It can end up being the loss of thousands or even millions of dollars over the years.
A few successful trades and the earnings you’ve made might be wiped out by a single mistake. With the fees, commissions, and any taxes you’ve made on your trades, you might not even make all that much money. Instead, it is smarter to choose your investments and hold onto them for at least a year before selling to help increase your good returns.
Stocks, Bonds and Mutual Funds, Real Estate...
Stocks, bonds and mutual funds carry more risk than CDs and Money Market Account. 
Opening a brokerage account with a licensed brokerage firm can be a smart way to keep track of all of your investments.
Investing in Stocks with Basic Knowledge of Economics
Stocks represent ownership in companies, and stock markets are the places where stocks are bought and sold.
Stocks and equities give you a small ownership in a company. They are risky because, although you'll gain income if the stock you purchased rises in value, you'll also lose money if that stock takes a dive.
When you purchase a bond, you are basically giving a loan to a company, government or municipality. The bond comes with repayment terms that include the principal plus interest. Bonds are less risky than stocks.
The risk is the possibility of the borrower failing to make the required payments by the deadline.
Mutual Funds;
A mutual fund is made up of a combination of stocks, bonds and other securities. A typical mutual fund holds around 100 securities, according to Fidelity.
The collection of these securities is called a portfolio. When you invest in a mutual fund, you are in essence putting your money together with other investors and leaving the decisions as to when to buy and sell the securities within the mutual fund up to a portfolio manager. 
Real Estate Investments
This type of investment could be the best of all time..
The world is full of people who are convinced that real estate is the only investment that makes sense. Whether you subscribe to that philosophy or not, there are more ways than ever to add real estate to your portfolio.
Yes, you can buy a home for yourself, or properties to rent. But you also can purchase a security called a real estate investment trust (REIT), which combines the benefits of stocks with the tangible property of land, shopping malls, apartment buildings, or almost anything else you can imagine
Basic Knowledge: Learn and learn again...
Financial Academy School
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Supply and demand: Supply and demand can be simply stated as the relationship between what’s available (the supply) and what people want and are willing to pay for (the demand). 
This equation is the main engine of economic activity and is extremely important for your stock investing analysis and decision-making process..
Economic effects from government actions: 
Nothing has a greater effect — good or bad — on investing and economics than government, which controls the money supply, credit, and all public securities markets.
Government actions usually manifest themselves as taxes, laws, or regulations. 
They also can take on a more ominous appearance, such as war or the threat of war.
A single government action can have a far-reaching effect that can have a direct or indirect economic impact on your stock investment.




Compound Interest; Rule Of 72. = The Rule of 72 is defined as a shortcut or rule of thumb used to estimate the number of years required to double your money at a given annual rate of return.. FACEBOOK.COM/BUYHEREMARKET
What Do Many Financial Experts Know That You Don't 
About Compound Interest?
"The most powerful force in the universe."
"The greatest invention in human history."
Many people claim Albert Einstein used those phrases to describe compound interest.VISIONONEHOLDING.BLOGSPOT.COM
Whether he did or not, one thing rings true: When considering a wealth-building strategy, compound interest is a very powerful savings tool.
What is compound interest?
Compound interest builds your money at an accelerated rate. It's interest on top of interest: Your deposits pile up interest, and the interest piles up interest, too.
That can mean incredible growth over time. That's what the credit card companies and other financial institutions used to nail people under debts almost for life.FACEBOOK.COM/FRUITALINVESTMENT
Compound interest is different from simple interest, which is earned on only the initial principal amount year by year..
Compounding Interest..
Let's say you deposit some money into a high-yield savings account paying a certain percentage of interest that's compounded annually.
In the first year, you'd earn some interest —
In the second year, you'd earn some more interest, on the principal and in the previous interest —
In the third year, you'd earn some interest, on the principal and also on the previous interest — 
In the fourth year, you'd earn some even more interest, on the principal and as well on the previous interest — So on and so fourth... Meaning your principle is making you money and your interest is making you money also.
Certificates of deposit (CDs) are probably one of the safest places to keep your money and watch it grow.
The locked nature of CDs can be restrictive, meaning you shouldn't use a CD as your emergency savings account, because you won't have quick access to the money if something comes up. (And something always comes up!)
invest your money in stocks that pay dividends — which offer another form of compounding.
One of the best things you can do, if you're OK with a little risk, is invest in a combination of stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs that pay dividends. Make sure you do your research.
When dividends are reinvested, they generate more dividends, and the compounding dance continues..KNOWLEDGEFINANCIALGROUP.BLOGSPOT.COM
Rule of 72. In finance, the rule of 72, the rule of 70 and the rule of 69.3 are methods for estimating an investment 's doubling time. The rule number, 72) is divided by the interest percentage per period (usually years) to obtain the approximate number of periods required for doubling. 
The Rule of 72. Just take the number 72 and divide it by the interest rate you hope to earn. That number gives you the approximate number of years it will take for your investment to double.




Money is a tool - Kill greed in your heart - Be mindful of debt - Manage well your finances - FACEBOOK.COM/KNOWLEDGEFINANCIALGROUP
What is money?
In short, money is a medium of exchange.
It’s an agreed upon item you can use to make a purchase, trade, or pay off a debt. The medium of exchange will differ in many countries. What is more, the use of money makes it a whole lot easier to get what you need. KNOWLEDGEFINANCIALGROUP.BLOGSPOT.COM
Money doesn’t have a life. It cannot act on its own. It cannot do good deeds, and it cannot commit crimes. Basically, it’s neither good or bad.
Money can only do what you tell it to do.
Money is not the root of all evil. But the love of money is the root of all evil (1 Tim. 6:10).
Consider these statistics:
16 out of 38 of Jesus’ parables deal with money and possessions
Nearly 25% of Jesus’ words in the New Testament deal with biblical stewardship
1 out of 10 verses in the Gospels deal with money
There are more than 2,000 scriptures on tithing in the Bible, money, and possessions in the Bible, which is twice as many as faith and prayer combined. 
Money itself may be amoral. But it’s our attachment to and our worship of money that will lead us into sin and making poor financial decisions.
Money is about discipleship
Money is a tool God uses to help us live and love like Jesus.
Regardless of how much—or how little—money you have, God is at work in your life through your circumstances. He is leading you to a deeper trust in him. This is exactly what we see in Philippians 4:11-12. TWITTER.COM/BUYHEREMARKETON/
Are you struggling financially? Or are you swimming in a financial abundance?
Regardless of your situation, instead of asking “why” or just saying “thanks,” be sure to ask God what you can learn since there is a connection between your faith and money.FACEBOOK.COM/VISIONONEHOLDING
Matthew 6:24: 
“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”
Luke 12:34:
"For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”
Luke 16:11-12:
"If then you have not been faithful in the unrighteous wealth, who will entrust to you the true riches? And if you have not been faithful in that which is another’s, who will give you that which is your own?"
#3. Worship with your money
In Bible verses about putting your hope in money, you’re going to come across a ton of warnings:
“Be careful!”
“Guard your heart!”
“Don’t be a fool with your money!”
If you’re not careful, it can be easy to place your hope in money. Money is something we can hold in our hands or look at in our bank account. We feel the weight of its absence or possess a sense of self-sufficiency when we have it in abundance. 




Investment Knowledge:
01. Becoming a successful investor takes time, patience, trial and error. The end goal of most investors is to make money and perhaps a lots of it. However, the question that remains is how to do it?
Secrets To Successful Investing...
Choose A Goal For Your Investment Portfolio
BUYHEREMARKET, The Page of Investment Knowledge.
You get investment knowledge from the best and brightest minds on BUYHEREMARKET
02. You don’t have to have insider knowledge to begin investing. The best time to start is now, and the sooner you begin, the sooner you can start making money.
03. Diversify - Diversify - Diversify..
Investing can be a volatile industry, so you should never have all your money in a single stock.
You should diversify so if something does go wrong at one of the companies, it won’t completely destroy your portfolio.
04. Before you start investing, you need to understand what to expect from your money. Understand what you want to use as a safety net or for retirement.
Regardless of the reason why you want to start investing, make sure you have a clear objective for your portfolio.
''Knowledge Financial Group is an absolute source of financial information, we bring financial wellness to more people.''
We bring financial education to the youth, and financial literacy to the less fortunate .
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05. Investing....
When you invest, you deposit a portion of your income into a specific venture with the expectation that you'll earn a profit. Every type of investment carries a different level of risk.
Investment options are available to everyone, whether you want to invest $100 or tens of thousands of dollars, or even millions.
06. Reduce Fees As Much As You Possibly Can..
When you start investing, you might quickly realize that you have to give up some money in fees, brokerage commissions, and mutual fund expense ratios.
However, each dollar that goes to these charges is a dollar that you aren’t investing and compounding.
Even though it might be just a small amount each year, it adds up quickly. It can end up being the loss of thousands or even millions of dollars over the years.
A few successful trades and the earnings you’ve made might be wiped out by a single mistake. With the fees, commissions, and any taxes you’ve made on your trades, you might not even make all that much money. Instead, it is smarter to choose your investments and hold onto them for at least a year before selling to help increase your good returns.
Stocks, Bonds and Mutual Funds, Real Estate...
Stocks, bonds and mutual funds carry more risk than CDs and Money Market Account. 
Opening a brokerage account with a licensed brokerage firm can be a smart way to keep track of all of your investments.
07. Stocks:
Investing in Stocks with Basic Knowledge of Economics
Stocks represent ownership in companies, and stock markets are the places where stocks are bought and sold.
Stocks and equities give you a small ownership in a company. They are risky because, although you'll gain income if the stock you purchased rises in value, you'll also lose money if that stock takes a dive.
08. Bonds:
When you purchase a bond, you are basically giving a loan to a company, government or municipality. The bond comes with repayment terms that include the principal plus interest. Bonds are less risky than stocks.
The risk is the possibility of the borrower failing to make the required payments by the deadline.
09. Mutual Funds;
A mutual fund is made up of a combination of stocks, bonds and other securities. A typical mutual fund holds around 100 securities, according to Fidelity.
The collection of these securities is called a portfolio. When you invest in a mutual fund, you are in essence putting your money together with other investors and leaving the decisions as to when to buy and sell the securities within the mutual fund up to a portfolio manager. 
10. Real Estate Investments
This type of investment could be the best of all time..
The world is full of people who are convinced that real estate is the only investment that makes sense. Whether you subscribe to that philosophy or not, there are more ways than ever to add real estate to your portfolio.
Yes, you can buy a home for yourself, or properties to rent. But you also can purchase a security called a real estate investment trust (REIT), which combines the benefits of stocks with the tangible property of land, shopping malls, apartment buildings, or almost anything else you can imagine
11. Basic Knowledge: Learn and learn again...
Financial Academy School
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12. Supply and demand: Supply and demand can be simply stated as the relationship between what’s available (the supply) and what people want and are willing to pay for (the demand). 
This equation is the main engine of economic activity and is extremely important for your stock investing analysis and decision-making process..
13. Economic effects from government actions: 
Nothing has a greater effect — good or bad — on investing and economics than government, which controls the money supply, credit, and all public securities markets.
Government actions usually manifest themselves as taxes, laws, or regulations. 
They also can take on a more ominous appearance, such as war or the threat of war.
A single government action can have a far-reaching effect that can have a direct or indirect economic impact on your stock investment.




Investment knowledge and personal finance...
Aren’t you tired of all the financial and investment experts with their conflicting investment advice?
When it comes to investment; One Size Doesn’t Fit All Investors...
The secret to investing: there are no secrets. Want financial success? Educate yourself on the fundamentals.KNOWLEDGEFINANCIALGROUP.BLOGSPOT.COM
“If you want to be truly successful invest in yourself to get the knowledge you need to find your unique factor. When you find it and focus on it and persevere your success will blossom.”
Despite what all the investment experts selling seminars and courses want you to believe, there aren't any secrets to investing. 
One expert says diversify to reduce risk, and another expert calls it di-worsefying that ensures mediocre results. 
One expert says pay down all your debt because it's bad, and another says leverage up with good debt to build wealth.
One expert says the stock market is the key to riches, and another expert tells you more millionaires come from real estate than any other source.
True so called financial experts know that most financial truths are more subtle and complex, so they don’t insult your intelligence with over-simplified, sound-bite investment advice.
There are times when it makes sense to leverage up with good debt, and there are other situations where it can be equally correct to pay off existing debt.
There are times when “buy and hold stocks for the long term” is a sound strategy, and there are other times when the risk isn’t justified by the reward.
You must know when a conditional-truth is applicable and when it should be disregarded, because it can get you in financial trouble.
What is the best wealth building vehicle – paper assets, business, or real estate – and why?
Questions like these can make or break your financial future.
There are many different ways to invest profitably, and there are many sources where you can learn the information. There's nothing new under the sun.
What you can’t get from websites, blogs, books, webpages like: KNOWLEDGE FINANCIAL GROUP - 
FRUITAL INVESTMENT GROUP - FEMKONSA CAPITAL MONEY WISERS GROUP — most so called gurus will ever teach you such things —
So the real key to financial security: figuring out which of the many available investment strategies will work for your personal situation.
Their investment advice is generic, but you need it personalized. Not all investment strategies are appropriate for all people.
You're a unique individual with your own skills, background, experiences, and outlook on life. You have a risk tolerance unique to you and preferences, time frames, and goals that are different from everyone else's.
Each person has a unique gift to bring to the world, and financial success results from an investment plan that capitalizes on that uniqueness. How you retire early and wealthy is going to be different from everyone else you talk to or associate with.
That's why prepackaged advice, investment seminars, and generic computer solutions that spew static financial “truths” can never measure up to personalized education that helps you find your own truth.
Therefore, the second reason for the necessity of financial education is so that you can learn enough about yourself and the various investment strategies in existence to develop a wealth building solution custom fitted to your unique skills, values, and resources.. WWW.KNOWLEDGEFINANCIAL.BLOGSPOT.COM 
How to Overcome the Conflicts of Interest in Investment Advice
The only person 100% committed to your pocketbook is you. Everyone else has a conflict of interest and they are looking for their own profits.
No less an authority than Alan Greenspan told Congress that:
“For an increasingly complex financial system to function effectively, widespread dissemination of timely financial and other relevant information among educated market participants is essential if they are to make the type of informed judgments that promote their own well-being.”
“Financial literacy can help prevent younger people from making poor financial decisions that can take years to overcome.”
You must learn how to invest your money because no one will ever care about it as much as you do.
You are the only investment advisor for your portfolio that solely has your best interests at heart.
You Can Delegate Authority, But You Can't Delegate Responsibility
Many people want to believe their advisors will take care of the big financial issues like retirement, college savings, and wealth planning for them.
Just delegate the issues to a professional advisor, and don’t bother learning for yourself. They'll take care of it.
Whether you hire financial experts or invest independently, you're still responsible for your investment results. Each choice is a decision you make; therefore, you're responsible.. FACEBOOK.COM/KNOWLEDGEFINANCIAL




Learning Center, Increase Your Financial Knowledge, Improve yourself in different aspects of life at - @ FACEBOOK.COM/FRUITALINVESTMENT
Knowledge And Information @ FACEBOOK.COM/ZONEBUSINESS
Financial And Retirement Planning Goals, Strategies for Every Decade of Life... FACEBOOK.COM/KNOWLEDGEFINANCIAL
Good choice, excellent decisions is needed for each decade in life.
Set yourself up for future financial success by living each decade to its fullest.
Which decade can you afford to take more, or less risk? Which decade should you really start to plan seriously for retirement?
Which decade should you focus on managing debts?
Which decade should you take control over your finances?
Invest in Yourself:
When you are in your 20s and just starting a career, take time to invest in yourself, in your financial education..
Take the time to grow your human capital, life experiences and knowledge -- it doesn't get easier to invest in yourself later on in life. 
Take Some Risk Early In Life:
When you're young is the best time to take risk.
It's true from both an investment standpoint and a life standpoint.
When investing, look for equities and don't invest too conservatively -- you have a long time horizon to let your money grow and to catch up, or to recover in case of lost.
Take risks in life, too. Look for start-ups and opportunities that will let you grow and flourish. TWITTER.COM/FINANCIALSCHOOL
For the rainy days, remember to develop an emergency fund that holds about three to six months of your living expenses in cash difficult time arrives because life has ups and downs. Better prepare than sorry. Prevention is superior of cure.
Get Proper Insurance Coverage { C.Y.A. }
In the developing world proper insurance coverage is very important..
One of the biggest risks for many people in their 20s and even 30s is they're still acting as if they're invincible.
This leads to many people being underinsured. Make sure you have the right health care coverage, car insurance, property and casualty for your home, disability insurance and life insurance. 
Especially as your wealth starts to grow -- perhaps along with a family -- your insurance and financial needs will continue to change.
A rule of thumb for your for early age
It's ideal to be saving anywhere from 10% to 15% of your income each week, each month, each year for the future.
The more you save the better it is. Remember that saving an additional 1 or 2% of income each year can lead to tens of thousands more money saved for the old age.
. Build Your Wealth:
Real estate is one of the best way to build wealth..
At least, own one home and one rental for monthly cash-flow.
By the end of 20s and or 30s is saying hello and 40s is arround or will be there soon you'll likely hit your peak earning years. 
This means it's actually time to start building more wealth. Make sure your investments are properly aligned with your future goals and continue to be heavily invested in growth assets. TWITTER.COM/BUYHEREMARKETON 
Remember To Cut Back on Unnecessary Expenses In Order To Have More Assets Than Liabilities.
. Take Care Of Yourself Well By Late 40s, early 50s..
The midlife crisis can start to sneak up on people. Divorce, separation of couple happen and that is not good benefit.
1. Many people feel burned out or stressed at work 
-- it's important to take care of yourself.
2. Set aside time to do financial planning and wellness. 
3. Taking control of your finances can help you take care of yourself and reduce stress.
4. Burning out could negatively affect your health and finances and add additional layers of stress onto an already challenging situation. 
Get a Grip on Retirement Income Planning
Retirement income planning should start earlier but in your 50s take it more serious, start taking less risk.
This means sitting down and seeing how much you have saved, listing your expenses and figuring out the income you can generate in retirement.
If there's a shortfall projected, you still have time to restructure your plan.
That could mean saving more or cutting expenses. It's also a good time to look at other retirement income sources, including a deferred income annuity etc. FACEBOOK.COM/BUYHEREMARKETENTERPRISE 
Plan Well for after living the workforce...
Retirement is not just a financial planning topic, it's a long and real part of your life. 
Finances are just a means to an end -- the end is your goals and what you want to accomplish in retirement.
Make sure you take the time to envision what life will be like after you stop working. Take a look at what you want to do and consider phasing into retirement by going part-time.
If you're single, retirement could be more challenging for you since you leave behind the relationships you've built in your workplace.
Staying engaged during retirement is important. For those who might become isolated, it's crucial you have a plan on how you'll find meaning, happiness and value in retirement.
Brush Up on Your Estate Planning by the end of 50s and review it by 60s.
Your living and or living trust must be in good standing well organize.
While you should start your estate planning basics early in life, when you near retirement, it's good to do a full overview of your estate planning.
This can include reviewing what insurance you have and whether it's still needed or if you need more.
You also need to review your estate planning documents to make sure they're in order and that all of your assets are properly titled. Do another beneficiary review, especially as assets start to get turned into retirement income.
A rule of thumb in your 60s:
As you head into retirement, make sure you understand the 4% safe withdrawal rate for retirement spending. The rule states that historically in the U.S., with a 50% bond investment and a 50% stock investment, you could afford to spend 4% of your investments a year and not run out of money for 30 years. This is a conservative approach. KNOWLEDGEFINANCIAL.BLOGSPOT.COM
Enjoy Life
You've worked hard your whole life, and you should enjoy your retirement. Having a sound financial plan that shows what you can spend and how long your money will last can allow you to do just that. 
A lot of people worry about having enough money in retirement, so they hoard their money, refuse to spend it and ultimately don't enjoy themselves.
They're too fearful about the uncertainty of the future. Having a plan can help you live the lifestyle you want.
Tip No. 2: Make Your Money Last a Lifetime
A big part of planning for retirement while working and is about saving, investing and growing your wealth.
Once you get into retirement, you need to monitor how your plan is doing and make any adjustments necessary.
Your situation, the markets and your goals will change as your lifestyle changes.
Don't forget to plan and manage your required minimum distribtions (RMDs) from IRAs and 401(k)s. 
Optimizing these assets can require new types of planning and tax strategies. 
As you start to spend down your money, keep track of your spending percentage of your assets.
Use the 4% rule to help monitor your plan over time. If your withdrawal rate from your assets starts nearing 8% to 10%, you might want to consider cutting back on expenses.




Our web pages and social media pages are being provided for informational or educational purposes only and does not take into account the investment objectives or financial situation of any client or prospective clients. 
The information is not intended as investment advice and is not a recommendation about managing or investing your savings.
People seeking information regarding their particular investment needs should contact a financial professionals,Tax advisors, investment profetionals.
When investing, it's great to analyzing company's portfolios’ investment objectives, policies, management, risks, charges and expenses carefully before investing. FACEBOOK.COM/FRUITALINVESTMENT
FINANCIAL KNOWLEDGE.. The most asking questions about investing by many people..
Should I Invest In Stocks, because I’m very Nervous About investing in the Markets?
You’re right that there are no guarantees in the stock market, and your investment could go down. But remember that stocks have historically had a very high success rate over long-time horizons,” FACEBOOK.COM/BUYHEREMARKET
Financial Literacy: 
Whether you’re brand-new to investing or more experienced, it’s likely you have questions about how to invest money wisely. You’re not alone: I spoke to numerous financial experts to learn the investing questions that they get asked over and over again,
In the financial market; “What is ‘best’ may vary widely from investor to investor,” 
Investors can start their investment journey with a small amount. Say, Dayann at: KNOWLEDGE FINANCIAL GROUP - 
“Small amounts add up and snowball over long periods of time. Don’t take my word for it — use a compound interest calculator, and see how much your nest egg can grow. 
Anthony from: VISIONONE HOLDING COMPANY says, “There are MANY excellent ways to begin investing,”
#1. Open an AIA = Automatic Investment Account.
The first is to invest in your workplace pension plan account. and you’ll be on the right path. Or open a Roth IRA, 
or The team of: FRUITAL INVESTMENT GROUP suggests to starting with low-cost index funds - An ETF Fund = 
INDEX FUNDS “These give you access to dozens or hundreds of stocks in one purchase, which gives you instant diversity and helps keep risk lower than when buying single stocks,”
Invest More - Gain More - Use Tax-Efficiently?
“There are three ways to invest in a more tax-efficient manner,” said Amanda Salyer, a financial consultant with Fidelity Investments.
“One, defer taxes — consider saving the maximum annual contribution limit to employer-sponsored accounts such as 401(k) and 403(b) accounts, and/or save the maximum to IRA accounts if eligible. If more savings are possible after maxing out 401(k)/IRAs, then consider a low-cost tax-deferred annuity.
Manage taxes well— in your taxable accounts such as joint or individual brokerage accounts, consider tax-efficient strategies,
such as favoring long-term capital gains versus short-term capital gains when considering selling investments or using municipal bonds for bond exposure.
Reduce — consider ways to ‘reduce’ your tax burden, such as gifting appreciated securities to charities or considering Roth conversions as a way to manage taxes from a long-term planning perspective.”KNOWLEDGEFINANCIALGROUP.BLOGSPOT.COM
Some investors use research and analysis of a company’s fundamental business aspects, such as profit margin, revenue and debt ratios.
Other investors may use technical and statistical analysis of stock price movement to determine what and when to trade. 
Many investors use a combination of these and other strategies to inform stock selection. 
“Most investors need to put their savings into a couple of low-cost mutual funds and then focus on increasing those investment contributions through making more or saving more of what they make.
Too many people fall into the trap of seeing what’s ‘hot’ and wanting to get a piece of the action. When loving hot stuffs, sometimes you get burn perhaps, first degree, second degree, or even third degree.
The reality is that so many trends are nearing their end when regular people hear about them, and trying to catch the trend is a mistake.
It also teaches you the wrong principles — that the path to wealth is trying to find the next lottery ticket when the real path is saving, investing and waiting patiently.”
Macula from: BUYHEREMARKET ENTERPRISE - Says, “When you’re young, you have more time to invest. With a longer time horizon, you could probably afford to invest in funds that carry a little more risk.
But when you’re closer to retirement, you want your money to be in less volatile funds. This helps to protect the wealth you’ve grown over time.”
Essentially, your strategy needs to evolve when your life changes. “Based on your goals and your current financial status, you may need to save more,” 
Anthony from: MONEY WISERS GROUP - 
Says, After investing the minimum required for the match in a company-sponsored 401(k),
deploy your cash where you will earn the highest return,” “For example, buying rental real estate, instead of only investing in an index mutual fund such as the S&P 500 index, ETF funds - You also can invest in tax lien certificates, in commdities, oil and gas
The sock market is not the only place you can build your nest-egg. You can be a lender or invest in real estate. If you are not comfortable with the stock market, 
there are plenty of alternatives that can accomplish similar results. The best way to determine your appetite is to just get started.”
Best Returns With the Least Amount of Risk?
That demands excellent information, great konowlege and expertise.
“If you need your money in the near future, then the risk is problematic, and you need to ask yourself if the potential short-term gain is worth the potential loss you’re facing.
But if we’re talking about specific long-term goals, as opposed to your account balance on paper, clients seem more willing to take on an appropriate level of risk that can help them reach those goals and hopefully outpace inflation. VISIONAIRE BUSINESS CENTER - VISIONAIREBIZ
ROI = Return On Investment:
“Investment returns are determined by a variety of factors, beginning with investment objectives, time horizons and risk tolerances,”
since no one can predict market movement with absolute accuracy, and projection of expected return for any investment is simply an assessment of known factors and risks, then whenever new information comes into the market, that assessment changes.
Investors can evaluate past performance of a stock or other financial instrument, or a portfolio, or a specific strategy, for a look at what has happened, but similar returns in the future are never guaranteed.
Rather, an investor may look at potential returns vs. risk and decide what is appropriate for their level of risk tolerance. KNOWLEDGEFINANCIAL.BLOGSPOT.COM
People have tendency of Investing More When the Market Is at a High?
“It’s important to distinguish between ‘timing the market’ — which research shows does not work as clients tend to invest emotionally — and dollar-cost averaging,”
“In a perfect world, every investor could ‘buy low and sell high,’ but the realities of the market often prove more complex,”
Money Wisers Group, Important Financial Advice...
Money Truths People suppose to know about...
1. Budget: You Need to Budget Yourself In Order To Have Control Over Your Money.
Making one is pretty easy thanks to technology. Know what's coming in and what's going out. FACEBOOK.COM/KNOWLEDGEFINANCIALGROUP
2. Have a Clear Financial Goal...
So you’ve heard about people who runs marathons, climbs mountains and made $1 million even before they turned 30. The first thing they’d tell you is that you need a clear goal to accomplish anything and properly manage your money.
A lack of goals can result in a lack of direction. By setting goals — be it for retirement, a vacation or something else — you’ll be able to determine what steps you need to take each month to reach that goal in the long term. 
Whatever your financial goals, write them down and then budget for them.
Good money sense. Some of the richest people on earth recognize that living below your means is essential to financial sustainability. Don't spend what you don't have! Earn - Save - Invest And Spend.
Certainly. honestly, seriously You Need an Emergency Fund...
Life has bumps, nasty habit of throwing curve balls in the form of emergency like car repairs and unexpected medical bills, among other unpleasant, unwanted surprises.
No matter your emergency, listen to Holmes: Whether it’s a job layoff or worse, you want to ensure you can cover all necessary expenses for at least three to six months. THINK ABOUT THAT MY DEAR UNKNOWN FRIEND!
Are You Procrastinating? Stop That.. 
Ultimately, patience and planning are two of the most crucial habits of rich people. 
Consistently managing your finances, saving and investing won’t immediately fill your bank account; it’ll expand your balance slowly and steadily over time, like the tortoise who eventually won the race.
If you didn’t start taking advantage of compound interest when you were younger, don’t give up. Start saving, investing and planning now. 
As the best-selling author and national financial radio show host Dave Ramsey reminds us, “Get rich quick doesn’t work.
If You Don’t Invest Part Of Your Income?
Having passive income can make all the difference for your finances, especially in the long term, as it provides you the opportunity to generate an income and build wealth.
Solicit Financial Advice...
Most billionaires/millionaires had the good sense to seek out help from financial planners, money managers, financial advisers, insurance professionals, tax advisors, accounts/CPA etc. 
By meeting with a professionals, you can learn about potential improvements in everything from cash flow to investments, to retirement, to financial understanding and much more.
Retirement Planing Saving And Investing for the old age.
According to many surveys, about 42 percent of Americans will retire with less than $10,000 saved. And if you’re banking on Social Security to get you through, think again.FACEBOOK.COM/BUYHEREMARKET
3. Make Sure You Have a Plan to Pay Down Your Credit Card Debts...
The financially savvy view credit cards as a convenience, not a debit account. If you carry a high balance month to month and have high interest rates, certainly you are a slave of the financial institutions. Compounding interest works very well for them, but not in your favor.
Consider the Opportunity Cost When Purchasing Something.
Every single purchase you make has two costs: The price you pay for the product or service and what you give up when you make that purchase. Folks in finance call the latter the “opportunity cost.”
Opportunity costs, some experts calling them “mistakes of omission.” In regrettable moments, the duo didn’t invest in something when they should have or weren’t able to because their money was tied up elsewhere. --------- FACEBOOK.COM/KNOWLEDGEFINANCIAL








Ways to Become a Millionaire While Working for Someone Else.WWW.TAGGED.COM/FEMKONSA
A steady paycheck is a better start to achieving economic security than you might think.
You’ll never get rich working for someone else, or so they say.
pathway of becoming a millionaire but what if you're happier and more comfortable working for a boss.
1. Earn partner status.
Partnerships aren’t just for law firms. Look for a small business or startup where you have a shot at becoming a business partner at some point. While many business owners either choose to form a partnership or sole ownership from the start, a small business founder can definitely change that as a company grows. =
If you work hard, bring certain expertise to the table and show your leadership capabilities, take the opportunity to pitch the idea of joining your boss in running things. That could lead to a much larger share of revenue over the following years
2. Take stock options.
Stock options are usually negotiated during the job interview process. Find a company that offers stock options, even if the salary is a bit lower. This consideration has become very popular in the startup world of Silicon Valley. Talented candidates want to know how long it will take their options to vest before they sign on with a company.
All that aside, it’s important to understand the harsh reality that stock options rarely make employees millionaires by themselves. There’s no guarantee the company will ever be acquired or go public, and the odds are that you won’t receive millions in the deal even if it does. Consider this as an investment, among others you might make in the stock market or real estate market.
3. Live below your means.
The less you spend, the more you have in the bank. You can’t save money if you’re spending too much of it consistently. The entire theory behind “the millionaire next door” is that many of the wealthiest people are living well below their means.
This may amount to years, or even decades, of living in a small house or driving a used car but if it pays off later, it’s well worth it. In some cases, saving money is actually better than earning more money, especially when you remember you have to pay taxes in April and it helps to have money in the bank for
4. Invest Wisely
Navigating the stock market can be tricky. It’s also a way to quickly increase your income, provided you know what you’re doing and you have the extra time and energy to devote to becoming good at it.
Many entrepreneurial-minded people are skilled at spotting a solid business concept and putting their money into it. They keep an eagle eye on the performance of a wide range of different stocks and industries, much the same way a football fan might pore over stats and standings of their fantasy team.
5. Take over the business.
Eventually, the business owner will retire or move on to other ventures. That could be your chance to shine.
If your business owner isn’t even close to retirement age, look for the possibility that he or she may someday want to set the business aside to work on other ventures. Throughout your tenure with the company, showi you have the passion and work ethic necessary to run the business in the current owner’s absence. If you’re a trusted employee, chances are you’ll get more and more responsibility for leading the company as the years progress.
6. Start a side business.
Once your day job ends, your side hustle should begin. With today’s technology, you don’t have to invest in a physical office and a team of employees to start a new business.
Keeping your job and becoming a millionaire may mean toiling away night after night to build your client base to build a steady revenue flow so you can leave your salaried position behind someday. Make sure your side business doesn’t pose a conflict of interest to your day job while you still rely on it to pay your bills.
Few millionaires are made overnight. It takes years of hard work and forethought to reach that type of income level. Like most people, if you want to generate more money, you’ll need to do it while you’re working for someone else, at least at the start. Keep in mind just how much work it is to set up a new business, learn what your customers want as well as create a product or service that matches that.