Thursday, February 18, 2016

Haiti History And The List of heads of state of this carribean Island country

History Of Haiti, The Ups And Downs Of This Chaotic,,,,
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Early History to Independence 
The island of Hispaniola was inhabited by the Arawaks prior to the arrival of Columbus in 1492. Disease, ill treatment, and execution by the Spaniards decimated the Arawaks, who gave Haiti ("land of mountains") its name. While establishing plantations in E Hispaniola (now the Dominican Republic), however, the Spanish largely ignored the western part of the island, which by the 17th cent. became a base for French and English buccaneers. Gradually French colonists, importing African slaves, developed sugar plantations on the northern coast. Unable to support its claim to the region, Spain ceded Haiti (then called Saint-Dominque) to France in 1697.
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Haiti became France's most prosperous colony in the Americas and one of the world's chief coffee and sugar producers. The pattern of settlement took the French south in the 18th cent. and society became stratified into Frenchmen, Creoles, freed blacks, and black slaves.

Between the blacks and the French and Creoles were the mulattoes, whose social status was indeterminate. When French-descended Creole planters sought to prevent mulatto representation in the French National Assembly and in local assemblies in Saint-Dominque, the mulattoes revolted under the leadership of Vincent Ogé.

This rebellion destroyed the rigid structure of Haitian society. The blacks formed guerrilla bands led by Toussaint L'Ouverture, a former slave who had been made an officer of the French forces on Hispaniola.
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When the English invaded Haiti in 1793 during the Napoleonic Wars, Toussaint maintained an uneasy alliance with the mulatto André Rigaud and cooperated with the remnant of French governmental authority.

 In 1795, Spain ceded its part of the island to France, and in 1801 Toussaint conquered it, abolished slavery, and proclaimed himself governor-general of an autonomous government over all Hispaniola.

  Napoleon sent his brother-in-law, Gen. Charles Leclerc, with a huge punitive force to restore order in 1802, but he was unable to conquer the interior.
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A peace was negotiated, and Toussaint, taken by trickery, died in a French prison; but the revolt continued and forced the French troops, already ravaged by yellow fever, to withdraw. The rebels received unexpected aid from U.S. President Thomas Jefferson, who feared that Napoleon would use Saint-Dominque as a base to invade Louisiana. In 1804, Haiti became the second nation in the Western Hemisphere, after the United States, to win complete independence.
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The Struggles of Nationhood
After independence the remaining French and Creoles were expelled, and Jean-Jacques Dessalines, an ex-slave, proclaimed himself emperor. His assassination (1806) led to the division of Haiti into a black-controlled north under Emperor Henri Christophe and a mulatto-ruled south under President Alexandre Pétion. After their deaths Haiti was unified by Jean Pierre Boyer, who also brought (1822–44) Santo Domingo under Haitian control.

 Seeking to indemnify French planters, Boyer brought financial ruin to Haiti; he was exiled in 1843. Haiti's last emperor (1847–59) was Faustin Soulouque. Since the end of his reign, the country has been a republic. Political and social conflict persisted, intensified by the mulatto-black hostility, and Haiti's economy, which had never recovered from the violent struggle for independence, declined further.
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After the dictator Guillaume Sam was killed in a popular uprising in 1915, the United States, troubled over its property and investments in the country and fearing Germany might seize Haiti, took the opportunity to invade Port-au-Prince. The Haitian congress was forced to accept an agreement permitting U.S. control over customs receipts; two years later the resident American naval commander dissolved the congress and dictated a new constitution.

 Although financial and general material progress advanced under American military occupation, Haiti protested against U.S. violation of its sovereignty, and a U.S. Senate investigation in 1921 found that the avowed purpose of preparing Haiti for responsible self-government had been ignored. In 1930 a U.S. presidential commission recommended that Haiti be allowed to elect a legislature that would, in turn, name a president.

 Sténio Vincent, a vocal opponent of U.S. military occupation, was chosen by the legislators. The marines were finally withdrawn in 1934, although U.S. fiscal control was maintained until 1947.
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Political instability persisted in Haiti after World War II, and the country's future was clouded by rising turbulence in the Dominican Republic and by the emergence of a Communist Cuba. François ("Papa Doc") Duvalier, who was elected president in 1957, suppressed opposition through the creation of his paramilitary secret police, the tonton macoutes. In 1964 he proclaimed himself president for life. Upon his death in 1971 he was succeeded by his 19-year-old son, Jean-Claude ("Baby Doc"), who also became president for life. After 15 additional years of corruption, repression, and inequality under the younger Duvalier, popular discontent became great enough to induce him to flee the country in 1986.
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Starting in 1986 there were several brief attempts at civilian democracy, each terminated by a military coup. In Sept., 1991, Jean-Bertrand Aristide was forced to flee the country only nine months after becoming the first freely elected president in Haiti's history.

The United States and the Organization of American States responded with a trade embargo, and in 1993 a UN-sponsored oil embargo was imposed. An accord in 1993 providing for Aristide's return was repudiated by the army, which used terrorist violence to maintain power.
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In 1994 the United Nations approved a nearly total trade embargo, and later authorized the use of force to restore democratic rule. On Sept. 18, 1994, as U.S. forces were poised to invade the island, an accord was negotiated. Haiti's military leaders relinquished power under an amnesty, and U.S. forces landed to oversee the transition.

 Aristide returned on Oct. 15 as president; U.S. troops were largely replaced by UN peacekeepers in Mar., 1995. In the December presidential election that year, René Préval was elected to succeed Aristide. In Apr., 1996, the last U.S. troops left, except for a few hundred in the capital who remained until Jan., 2000; meanwhile, after a wave of political killings, the United States suspended aid to Haiti.

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In Jan., 1999, following a series of disagreements with Haitian legislators, Préval declared that their terms had expired, and he began ruling by decree. Parliamentary elections were finally held in May–June, 2000. They gave Aristide's Lavalas Family party an overwhelming majority in both houses, but the method of counting the votes, in which only those won by the four leading candidates were tallied and candidates thus did not need to win an actual absolute majority, was widely criticized.
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In Nov., 2000, Aristide was again elected president, winning nearly 92% of the votes cast, but turnout for the election was light. The following year Amnesty International said that human rights and the rule of law had diminished in Haiti, citing harassment of opposition politicians and attacks on journalists. There was an apparent coup attempt against Aristide in Dec., 2001, although it was unclear who was behind it. The political stalemate with the opposition led to the freezing of foreign aid and ongoing economic hardship in Haiti.

Violence between supporters and opponents of the president increased in 2003, and several of Aristide's cabinet ministers resigned bu the end of the year. Parliamentary elections failed to be held, resulting in the dissolution of parliament in Jan., 2004, leaving Aristide to rule by decree and sparking recurring anti-Aristide opposition demonstrations in the streets.

In February an armed uprising began in Gonaïves, and by the end of the month armed rebels consisting of disaffected gangs formerly allied with the government, former soldiers, paramilitaries, and police, and others, were on the verge of entering the capital.

Under pressure from the United States and France, Aristide resigned and went into exile, subsequently accusing U.S. and French officials variously of duping, coercing, or kidnapping him. U.S., French, Canadian, and Chilean forces arrived to maintain order, and an interim government headed by Gérard Latortue, a former foreign minister, was established. The Caribbean Community, however, refused to recognize Prime Minister Latortue, and called for a UN investigation into Aristide's resignation. Subsequently, CARICOM decided not to readmit Haiti until after the reestablishment of a democratically elected government. In April Latortue announced that general elections for a new government would be held in 2005, but they were subsequently postponed several times during 2005 due to inadequate preparation. A UN peacekeeping force led by Brazil began replacing U.S., Canadian, and French forces in June, 2004.

Flooding from heavy rains in May killed some 1,700 in the south near the Dominican Republic, and in September Tropical Storm Jeanne caused additional deadly flooding, especially in the area around Gonaïves, where some 2,500 died. The September flooding also caused significant agricultural damage. Unrest and lawlessness on the part of Aristide supporters and opponents continued to be a problem in the country, despite the presence of foreign peacekeepers. In Nov., 2005, the much delayed 2005 national elections were postponed into 2006.

When the presidential election was held in Feb., 2006, René Préval handily led all other candidates (there were more than 30) but appeared to be falling short of the majority required to avoid a runoff. The former president and his supporters charged that there was electoral fraud, an accusation seemingly supported by an unusually high number of blank ballots and by the discovery of charred blank and Préval ballots in a dump near the capital.

Amid demonstrations and mounting tension, election officials agreed to assign the blank ballots proportionally to the candidates, giving Préval nearly 51% of the vote. Parliamentary elections were held at the same time, but the investigation of electoral complaints delayed the second round into April, and Préval was not sworn in until May. The following month Haiti was readmitted to CARICOM.

Armed gangs remain a significant problem in Haiti, and in Oct., 2006, the United States partially lifted an arms embargo against Haiti so that the government could buy weapons and other equipment for the Haitian police. In Feb., 2007, the mandate of the UN peacekeepers was again extended; the Security Council called on UN forces to move more strongly against Haiti's criminal gangs. Although UN forces had successes against a number of urban gangs, some relocated to rural areas where they were less likely to be confronted by peacekeepers. Rising food prices led to antigovernment and anti-UN protests and riots in a number of Haitian cities in Apr., 2008; in Port-au-Prince rioters attempted to storm the presidenital palace.

 The riots led the Senate to dismiss the prime minister; two nominees for the post were subsequently rejected by Haiti's legislature before Michèle Pierre-Louis was elected in July. A series of hurricanes during Aug.–Sept., 2008, caused widespread devastation, especially in the area around Gonaïves; some 800 people died, and damage was estimated at $1 billion.

In Apr. and June, 2009, elections to fill 12 vacant Senate seats that had originally be scheduled for 2007 were finally held; Préval's Lespwa party run a plurality, giving the party a plurality in the Senate. Lavalas Family candidates were barred from running on technical grounds, and the vote was marred by poor turnout and allegations of fraud.

By mid-2009 an increase in size in, and improvements in the training of, the Haitian police force had significantly reduced crime. In Oct., 2009, the Senate voted to remove Prime Minister Pierre-Louis; Jean-Max Bellerive, an economist and former planning and external cooperation minister, succeeded her.

An earthquake in Jan., 2010, the strongest to hit Haiti in more than 200 years, caused extensive destruction in the capital and other parts of S Haiti. Estimates of the dead ranged from as low as 46,000 to more than 310,000; some 300,000 were injured, and an estimated 1.5 million people lost their homes.

The destruction of much of the limited infrastructure in the area made the massive relief efforts mounted by foreign nations and international aid groups difficult. The United States and the United Nations, both with forces in the thousands, led the effort, and attempted to facilitate aid distribution and help maintain order.

The United Nations subsequently estimated that $11.5 billion in aid would be needed over the next decade for reconstruction efforts. International donors pledged more than $5 billion in reconstruction aid in Mar., 2010, to the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission, but the promised aid was slow in coming. As late as Oct., 2011, the United Nations estimated that only half of the rubble from the earthquake had been removed. More than 145,000 remained homeless four years after the earthquake.

A cholera epidemic that began in N Haiti in Oct., 2010, had affected some 600,000 Haitians and killed more than 7,500 people by late 2012 and spread to the neighboring Dominican Republic; the source was traced to some of the UN peacekeepers. The epidemic also contributed to the disorganization of the first round of the earthquake-delayed presidential election in November.

Preliminary results from that vote, released in December, showed that former first lady Mirlande Manigat and ruling party candidate Jude Celestin had placed first and second, the latter narrowly beating popular singer Michel Martelly. Most candidates accused the government of fraud, and there were violent street protests. A final determination of the top vote-getters was delayed into early 2011, and the election's second round, scheduled for Jan., 2011, was postponed.

A review of the election by the OAS and CARICOM was delivered to Préval in Jan., 2011; it recommended that, based on its verification of the poll, the runoff should be between Manigat and Martelly.

The electoral council ultimately decided that they would be the candidates in March, and Martelly won the runoff with two thirds of the vote.

 In the legislative elections, the preliminary results in 18 races were reversed by the election commission when the final results were published, with the changes overwhelmingly favoring Préval's party.

Meanwhile, in February, Préval's expiring term was officially extended until May; former president Aristide returned to Haiti from exile in March. In office Martelly struggled to get a prime minister approved by lawmakers. Ultimately his third choice for the office, Garry Conille, was approved in October, but he resigned in Feb., 2012, citing a lack of support. In May, Laurent Lamothe, the foreign minister, was confirmed as Conille's successor.


List of heads of state of Haiti


Coat of arms of Haiti.svg
This article is part of a series on the
politics and government of
Foreign relations
This page lists the heads of state of Haiti since the beginning of the Haitian Revolution in 1791. Full independence of Haiti was declared in 1804.

Between 1806 and 1820 Haiti was divided between the northern State, later Kingdom of Haiti, and the southern Republic of Haiti.

List of heads of state of Haiti (1791–present)

Portrait Name
Began office Left office Title(s)
Général Toussaint Louverture.jpg Toussaint Louverture
1 January 1791 6 May 1802 Leader of the Haitian Revolution (1 January 1791 – 6 May 1802)
Lieutenant Governor of Saint-Domingue (1797 – 7 July 1801)
Governor-General for Life of the entire island of Hispaniola (7 July 1801 – 6 May 1802)
Jean-Jacques-Dessalines.jpg Jean-Jacques Dessalines /
Jacques I

1 January 1804 17 October 1806 Governor-General of Haiti (1 January 1804 – 22 September 1804)
Emperor of Haiti (22 September 1804 – 17 October 1806)
Henri Christophe.jpg Henri Christophe /
Henri I

17 October 1806 8 October 1820 Provisional Chief of the Haitian Government (17 October 1806 – 17 February 1807)
President of the State of Haiti (17 February 1807 – 28 March 1811)
King of Haiti (28 March 1811 – 8 October 1820)
Note: Rule limited to the northern State / Kingdom of Haiti
1 Alexandre Pétion.jpg Alexandre Pétion
17 October 1806 29 March 1818 President (17 October 1806 – 9 October 1816)
President for Life (9 October 1816 – 29 March 1818)

Note: Rule limited to the southern Republic of Haiti
2 Président Jean-Pierre Boyer.jpg Jean-Pierre Boyer
30 March 1818 13 February 1843 President for Life
Note: United the northern Kingdom and the southern Republic in 1820. Ruled the entire island of Hispaniola as the Republic of Haiti from 1822
3 Charles Rivière-Hérard.jpg Charles Rivière-Hérard
4 April 1843 3 May 1844 President
Note: Ruled the entire Island of Hispaniola
4 Philippe Guerrier.jpg Philippe Guerrier
3 May 1844 15 April 1845 President
5 Jean-Louis Pierrot.jpg Jean-Louis Pierrot
16 April 1845 24 March 1846 President
6 Jean-Baptiste Riché.jpg Jean-Baptiste Riché
24 March 1846 28 February 1847 President
7 Faustin I.jpg Faustin Soulouque /
Faustin I

2 March 1847 22 January 1859 President of Haiti (2 March 1847 – 26 August 1849)
Emperor of Haiti (26 August 1849 – 22 January 1859)
8 Fabre Geffrard.gif Fabre Geffrard
22 January 1859 13 March 1867 President
Nissage Saget.jpg Nissage Saget
20 March 1867 2 May 1867 Provisional President
9 Sylvain Salnave.jpg Sylvain Salnave
4 May 1867 27 December 1869 President
10 Nissage Saget.jpg Nissage Saget
27 December 1869 14 May 1874 President
Coat of arms of Haiti.svg Council of Secretaries of State 14 May 1874 14 June 1874 Council of Secretaries of State
11 Michel Domingue.jpg Michel Domingue
14 June 1874 15 April 1876 President
12 Pierre Théoma Boisrond-Canal.jpg Pierre Théoma Boisrond-Canal
23 April 1876 17 July 1879 Provisional President (23 April 1876 – 17 July 1876)
President (17 July 1876 – 17 July 1879)
Coat of arms of Haiti.svg Joseph Lamothe
26 July 1879 2 October 1879 Provisional President
13 Salomon 200.jpg Lysius Salomon
2 October 1879 10 August 1888 President
Pierre Théoma Boisrond-Canal.jpg Pierre Théoma Boisrond-Canal
10 August 1888 16 October 1888 Provisional President
14 François Denys Légitime.jpg François Denys Légitime
16 October 1888 23 August 1889 President
Coat of arms of Haiti.svg Monpoint Jeune
23 August 1889 17 October 1889 Provisional President
15 Florvil Hyppolite portrait.jpg Florvil Hyppolite
17 October 1889 24 March 1896 President
16 Tirésias Simon Sam portrait.jpg Tirésias Simon Sam
31 March 1896 12 May 1902 President
Pierre Théoma Boisrond-Canal.jpg Pierre Théoma Boisrond-Canal
26 May 1902 17 December 1902 Provisional President
17 Pierre Nord Alexis, 1905.jpg Pierre Nord Alexis
21 December 1902 2 December 1908 President
18 Presidentsimon.jpg François C. Antoine Simon
6 December 1908 3 August 1911 President
19 Cincinnatus Leconte.jpg Cincinnatus Leconte
15 August 1911 8 August 1912 President
Note: Great-Grandson of Jean-Jacques Dessalines (Emperor of Haiti 1804–1806)
20 Tancrede Auguste.jpg Tancrède Auguste
8 August 1912 2 May 1913 President
21 Michel Oreste portrait.jpg Michel Oreste
12 May 1913 27 January 1914 President
22 Oreste Zamor portrait.jpg Oreste Zamor
8 February 1914 29 October 1914 President
23 Joseph Davilmar Theodore portrait.jpg Joseph Davilmar Théodore
7 November 1914 22 February 1915 President
24 Vilbrun Guillaume Sam portrait.jpg Vilbrun Guillaume Sam
25 February 1915 28 July 1915 President
Note: Son of Tirésias Simon Sam (President of Haiti 1896–1902)
25 Dartiguenave.jpg Philippe Sudré Dartiguenave
12 August 1915 15 May 1922 President
Note: Served under the United States occupation
26 Louis Borno.jpg Louis Borno
15 May 1922 15 May 1930 President
Note: Served under the United States occupation
27 Louis Eugene Roy portrait.jpg Louis Eugène Roy
15 May 1930 18 November 1930 President
Note: Served under the United States occupation
28 Stenio Vincent portrait.jpg Sténio Vincent
18 November 1930 15 May 1941 President
Note: Served under the United States occupation until 1934
29 Elie Lescot portrait.jpg Élie Lescot
15 May 1941 11 January 1946 President
Franck Lavaud portrait.jpg Franck Lavaud
11 January 1946 16 August 1946 Chairman of the Military Executive Committee
30 Dumarsais estime portrait.jpg Dumarsais Estimé
16 August 1946 10 May 1950 President
Franck Lavaud portrait.jpg Franck Lavaud
10 May 1950 6 December 1950 Chairman of the Government Junta
31 Paul Magloire portrait.jpg Paul Magloire
6 December 1950 12 December 1956 President
Joseph Nemours Pierre-Louis portrait.jpg Joseph Nemours Pierre-Louis
12 December 1956 3 February 1957 Provisional President
Franck Sylvain portrait.jpg Franck Sylvain
7 February 1957 2 April 1957 Provisional President
Coat of arms of Haiti.svg Executive Government Council 2 April 1957 25 May 1957 Executive Government Council
Daniel fignole portrait.jpg Daniel Fignolé
25 May 1957 14 June 1957 Provisional President
Antonio Thrasybule Kebreau portrait.jpg Antonio Thrasybule Kébreau
14 June 1957 22 October 1957 Chairman of the Military Council
32 Duvalier (cropped).jpg François Duvalier
22 October 1957 21 April 1971 President (22 October 1957 – 22 June 1964)
President for Life (22 June 1964 – 21 April 1971)
33 Baby Doc (centrée).jpg Jean-Claude Duvalier
21 April 1971 7 February 1986 President for Life
Coat of arms of Haiti.svg Henri Namphy
7 February 1986 7 February 1988 President of the National Council of Government
34 Coat of arms of Haiti.svg Leslie Manigat
7 February 1988 20 June 1988 President
35 Coat of arms of Haiti.svg Henri Namphy
20 June 1988 17 September 1988 President
36 Coat of arms of Haiti.svg Prosper Avril
17 September 1988 10 March 1990 President
Coat of arms of Haiti.svg Hérard Abraham
10 March 1990 13 March 1990 Acting President
Presidenta de Haiti.jpg Ertha Pascal-Trouillot
13 March 1990 7 February 1991 Provisional President
37 Clinton&Aristide-2.jpg Jean-Bertrand Aristide
7 February 1991 30 September 1991 President
Coat of arms of Haiti.svg Raoul Cédras
30 September 1991 8 October 1991 Acting President
Note: Leader of the Military Junta 1991 until 12 October 1994
Coat of arms of Haiti.svg Joseph Nérette
8 October 1991 19 June 1992 Provisional President
Coat of arms of Haiti.svg Marc Bazin
19 June 1992 15 June 1993 Acting President
37 Clinton&Aristide-2.jpg Jean-Bertrand Aristide
15 June 1993 12 May 1994 President
Note: In exile, but recognized in Haiti
Coat of arms of Haiti.svg Émile Jonassaint
12 May 1994 12 October 1994 Provisional President
37 Clinton&Aristide-2.jpg Jean-Bertrand Aristide
12 October 1994 7 February 1996 President
38 Rene Preval.jpg René Préval
7 February 1996 7 February 2001 President
39 Clinton&Aristide-2.jpg Jean-Bertrand Aristide
7 February 2001 29 February 2004 President
Boniface Alexandre.jpg Boniface Alexandre
29 February 2004 14 May 2006 Provisional President
40 Rene Preval.jpg René Préval
14 May 2006 14 May 2011 President
41 Michel Martelly on April 20, 2011.jpg Michel Martelly
14 May 2011 7 February 2016 President
Coat of arms of Haiti.svg Provisional Government[1] 7 February 2016 14 February 2016 Provisional Government
Coat of arms of Haiti.svg Jocelerme Privert

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